Sunday, April 5, 2020

Started cleaning, Restoring, Reproducing...

Started the cleaning and replacing parts. Resistors and capacitors on order. Speaker is in great shape. Pulled off the grill cloth. Ordered a new dial belt to replace the incorrect dial cord that didn't work.

Lots of dust but a pristine speaker.

No dust cover but there is no evidence there ever was one.

Grill cloth is attached to the cabinet not the speaker board.

Some repair person in the past rigged the dial cord/belt. Usually something like this is done because the tuning capacitor rubber mounts are shot putting to much slack in the cord/belt.

That repair person replaced the old filter capacitors with old school replacements. Note the big blue tube and the chassis mount silver square capacitors.

Removed the dial cord. One, a single trip around and the other three trips around.

I tried replacing the cord with a single cord with 5 trips, didn't work well.

Then I found out that this radio had a belt and got one on order.

Much cleaner

Old patent label. I'll reproduce it using MS PowerPoint and some graphics I bought off ebay.

Needed measurements for reproduction.

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